In: Portable Appliance Testing

Current appliance testing standards state it is necessary for all appliance testing employers to ensure that their appliances are safe and comply with testing standards. Some of the relevant appliance testing standards are:

• Electricity At Work Act 1989
• Provisions & Use Of Work Equipment Regulations 1992
• Provisions & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

Electricity At Work Act 1989

• “To meet the requirements of the Electricity At Work legislation it is widely regarded to be necessary to implement a programmed of planned inspection and testing of portable appliances,

• As may be necessary to prevent danger all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent so far as is reasonably practicable such danger”.

Provisions & Use Of Work Equipment Legislation 1992

• Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state and working order and in good repair.

Provisions & Use Of Work Equipment Legislation 1998

• Every employer shall ensure that the result of an inspection made under this legislation is recorded and kept until the next inspection under this legislation is recorded.

The appliance testing standards included in the HSW state both the employer and employee are to ensure protection of anyone using the premises. An efficient and convenient method to accomplish this and comply with safety standards is appliance testing, ensuring regular checks are completed to maintain protection of the premises.

Appliance testing standards are portrayed through The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the standards confirm all health and safety risks are depleted. In relation to appliance testing standards state that:

“Every employer shall make suitable and sufficient assessment of:
(a) the risks to employees which exposed to whilst at work, and
(b) the risks to ensure the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him or his undertaking”